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Policies - If you cannot find the policy below please contact the school office for more information

PSHE Parent Feedback

We would be really pleased if you could provide some feedback on the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic) education your child is receiving at school, bytyping a short response in the box below.  Thank you.

PSHE Curriculum - What have your children talked to you about from their PSHE learning in school?

'Ready, Respectful, Safe - to L.E.A.R.N'  - has your child had a Headteachers Award/ STAR pupil/ stickers home - related to this and could they explain to you what they were for (or has their teacher)? 

How does our wider curriculum and whole school ethos support your child's PSHE learning? (e.g. relationships with others/ developing resilience/ developing friendships/ keeping safe)


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