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Science at Markington School

At Markington Primary School we have created a bespoke and effective science curriculum that follows The National Curriculum for science for children in years 1-6, (with objectives assigned to individual year groups), and use Development Matters to inform our Early Years Framework for Nursery and Reception aged children to 'Understand the World' around them.

Our curriculum is systematic and our teaching builds on what children already know through clear explanations, modelling and analogies to represent abstract concepts in an age-appropriate way. Scientific vocabulary is used consistently and children are actively encouraged to ask questions and develop their working scientifically skills.

We aim to teach children how science plays a vital role in our past, present and future. Our curriculum features scientists and engineers that have made a significant contribution to science and the impact this has on our everyday lives. We encourage children to be aspirational and explore different aspects of science in future careers knowing that science is crucial for our economic, environmental and social development. 



How far does a sneeze spread it's germs?

Microbes sneeze(1)

Healthy Eating



This shows how seeds are dispersed on a dandilion by the wind. Y3

Circularity System



Forces learning in Class 2- linked to our text 'Brightstorm' by Vasti Hardy


Rocks- Stump Cross Caverns


We are a small school with mixed-age classes that span Nursery to Year 6, and our bespoke science curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that, whatever the age of the child, our broad and balanced cirriculum, will engage and excite them.  Children build their knowledge progressively, starting in the Early Years Foundation Stage, over each two-year period (N/Rec, Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6).  As children progress through school, they often meet a scientific concept again, at a higher level, and this is a valuable opportunity to revisit prior learning, in a spiralling curriculum of knowledge, which lends itself naturally to revisits. 

States of Matter


Y5/6 investigated the variables which affect the rate at which salt dissolves.


Class 2 making torches electricity science (8)

Lily: 'Learning about light and shadows has made me think about becoming a scientist when I'm older.'

The working scientifically aspect of the NC is built into each unit of learning, and progression is carefully mapped. Scientific enquiries are planned to develop pupils’ skills in working scientifically and the five enquiry types, whilst links between science with other curriculum areas establish deeper understanding and stronger neural pathways, to help children to remember more of what they learn. Our curriculum encourages lots of practical work with opportunities to: use measuring equipment; collect & use data through investigations; use maths skills to analyse and explain data with a range of graphs and charts, and English skills to explain and discuss.

Y6 Experimenting and Measuring the Effects of Gravity


Y6 Making a Scale Model of the Solar System


Y6 Making Bottles of 'blood'


Curriculum Documents

Science Policy - Click here

Key Knowledge Documents

Our 'Key Knowledge' documents identify the subject content for each unit.  These documents are used by staff to plan,  monitor and assess learning. They specify the substantive knowledge, explicit scientific vocabulary and the disciplinary knowledge of the practices of science through the different parts of scientific enquiry and working scientifically.

Enhancing Science

A winter STEM challenge to create snwflakes!

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