Religious Education at Markington Church of England School
Multi-cultural Opportunities
As well as our planned curriculum for RE, we also welcome visitors, go on trips, and provide other opportunities for the children to learn about other faiths and cultures.
Learning about Christianity
Reverand Paul is a regular visitor to school. He leads Collective Worship and visits the children in class.
Canon Matthew from Ripon Cathedral also visits school to lead Collective Worship.
Learning about Judaism
Our special Jewish visitor Mr Warner came to talk to the children about Judaism. He answered some thoughtful questions from the children, and spoke about the similarities and differences between Judaism and other faiths. The children had a chance to look at some Jewish children's books too.
Learning about Islam
The children in KS2 had lots of good questions to ask Sara about her Muslim faith, when she visited school recently.
Class 1 have been learning about Christian Beliefs...
RE Policy - Click here
RE Long Term Plan
Class 2's topic have been an 'Understanding Christianity' unit called 'What Would Jesus Do?'
Jesus told a parable about a wise man and a foolish man. We tried to see if we could build our 'house upon the sand'...
This week, important people from all around the world met at COP26 to discuss the problems human beings are making in the world.
What do you think Jesus would do about...
All the bad behaviour in the world
'I think that Jesus would help people even if they were mean and wouldn't listen to him'