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As part of our Safeguarding Curriculum we explicitly teach children strategies to support their wellbeing in our 15 minute 'Wellbeing Wednesday' sessions, which are in addition to our PSHE curriculum.  


We enjoy taking part in 'Wellbeing Wednesday Teddy Breathing'. The children commented that teddy breathing makes them feel calm and relaxed. Some have said they use this at other times too, e.g. on a night to help them get to sleep.

'I like it because it tells us good stuff about ourselves.  We use it to learn about how to keep ourselves healthy' 

'I like Wellbeing Wednesday because it's helped me to be more active and happy.  It's good for my mind and body when I feel stressed out and tired.'

'We learn to keep ourselves safe and have a healthy mind....because you need your brain to help you learn.' 

Wellbeing apps

Helping our children manage their health and wellbeing is a top priority. Nothing beats getting out in the fresh air, meeting friends and having fun, but some children may find apps useful for things such as learning about emotions, managing anxiety etc. Internet Matters have put together a list which gives details such as: suitable ages, purpose, how the app works and (where applicable) the cost. From recognising emotions to practising mediation techniques, these apps offer a range of ways to manage wellbeing.

Please click the link below

Wellbeing apps for kids | Internet Matters

Please see below a document from the Inclusive Education Service including many useful links to support your children. For example story books about Coronavirus, Mindfulness and Relaxation activities, links, resources and programmes to support children with Special educational needs.

Mental Healthy Policy - Click Here

New mental health website for supporting children and young people.

This new website dedicated to helping children and young people find mental health support in North Yorkshire.  The Go-to is a portal or ‘single point of information’ for mental health support services offered by different agencies in the county. With lots of useful tips, information and signposting the site has specific ‘young person’, ‘parent/carer’ and ‘professional’ tabs for easy navigation.

The Go-to link:   https://www.thegoto.org.uk/

Explaining CV-19 to children

You may find this video a helpful resources as a way to explian to your children what coronavirus is, and why we need to practise social distancing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpJUS3_UxIc





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Whole School Egg Hunt

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