Meet our Governors
Structure of Our Governing Body
Our Governing Body is Chaired by Jenny Candy. It meets six times a year, with alternate meetings, having a finance focus and it does not have sub-committees. Our meetings are minuted by our clerk, Zoe Watt, who is a fully trained and experienced member of the LA clerking service.
Pre-reads for governors’ meetings are available in advance of meetings to enable plenty of time to read and consider the information presented. The agenda is drawn up jointly by the Co-Chairs, Headteacher and Clerk.
We have appointed individual governors for some of the key roles: SEND, Safeguarding (including atttendance), Health & Safety, RSE, Online Safety, Pupil Premium, Governor Training and the monitoring they do, is aligned with the school's monitoring cycle and School Development Plan. Monitoring informs a shared knowledge and understanding of expectations, research-led practice, and school priorities. The Safeguarding Governor and Headteacher have a ½ termly meeting to monitor Safeguarding and attendance specifically, and the Chair and Headteacher meet at least weekly.
All Governor documents are accessed via Microsoft TEAMS.
The Role of a School Governor
The role of a school governor is to contribute to the work of the governing board in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school by:
- setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
- holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent - see 'Financial Accountability' below.
What do our Governors do?
Things to celebrate:
- really strong advocacy of the standards of education, quality of teaching & diversity of curriculum
- exceptional levels of thoughtfulness, consideration, care, compassion and balanced thinking that speaks of both our Christian vision and the way in which school has helped to support the personal development of pupils and their ability to contribute to society
- Extremely strong relationships between pupils and teachers - and the benefits this brings including an appreciation of how school has treated them as individuals and helped them to target areas for improvement
Jenny Candy is Co-Chair of Governors. She says...
'I spent time with every Y6 pupil in groups of 2 or 3 to discuss their perspective on school; preparation for secondary school; the best bits of school; and areas for improvement.
The pupils spoke without exception of their preparation for the education they have received at Markington. They detailed their very strong, positive relationships with teachers, their appreciation for a wide and diverse set of subjects and the effort that goes into making learning fun, interesting and engaging: 'teachers make every lesson as exciting as possible', 'a fantastic education', 'we have learnt so many different things', 'there are always new things for us to try.'
Many children spoke of the way in which they felt school had prepared them for future life, 'school has worked to help me to become more confident', 'sharing during collective worship has helped me to prepare to talk to new people'.
Minutes of Governing Body Meetings
Minutes of Meetings are available on request by contacting Mrs Lewis or Mrs Lyman in the school office by emailing or telephoning school: 01765 677442
Governor Monitoring
Abi Fulton is a Parent Governor
Parent governors play a vital role on governing bodies, holding the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. Through the children, they have a first hand experience of the delivery of the curriculum, and how the school is perceived from the 'consumers' point of view.
As the nominated 'Online Safety Governor' she meets with Mrs Lyman or Mrs Bayley at school to find out more about how Markington School keeps everyone safe online. She looks at the curriculum, policies, procedures, record keeping and might discuss how school is keeping up to date with current online safety guidance.
She also gathers the views of parents and carers - the results of which are very helpful in informing decisions made by the school and Governing Body, which will then be discussed at the next Full Governors Meeting.

Foundation Governor - Monitoring
Our Foundatin Governor came into school to listen to a Pupil Voice. He asked the children for their views on a range of aspects of school. He also collated data from an anoymous Online Safety Questionnaire with Y2-Y6 pupils - which was analysed and shared at the next meeting of the full governing body.
Health & Safety Monitoring
'I take a particular interst in overseeing the school's Health and Safety arrangements - from policy to practice - and I check that we are compliant and doing everything we can to keep the school community safe.
We have two Y6 pupils who are our 'Safety Ambassadors' and they represent 'Pupil Voice' in this respect.
Governor Monitoring Guidance
Governor Attendance
Please click on this link for up to date information on Governor attendance:
2021 - 22 Governors Meeting Attendance
2020-21 Governors Meeting Attendance Details - Copy.docx
2022-2023 Governor Meeting Attendance
2023-2024 Governor Meeting Attendance
Governor Skills Audit
This is currently being updated.
Governor Information
Business and financial interests, governance roles in other institutions and any material interests.
Financial Accountability
The Governing Body, Bursar and Headteacher compare the school's financial data to see how it compares with others.
click here to link to the Government's financial benchmarking site.
Register of Business Interests
See table below
Our Governing Body
Type OF Governor/Category |
Elected by |
Declaration of Interests/Relationship to any Staff Member |
Co-opted Governor |
Governing body |
Jenny |
Candy |
1/3/2019 |
27/2/2027 |
Is a teacher at a secondary NYC school |
Vice Chair / Parent Governor |
Parents |
Abigail |
Fulton |
11/2/2021 |
10/2/2025 |
None |
Co-opted Parent Governor |
Governing body |
Steph |
Martin |
26/11/2020 |
24/11/2024 |
None |
Head Teacher |
Appointed by virtue of office |
Rebecca |
Lyman |
1/9/2018 |
Not recorded |
Executive HT at Birstwith School |
Staff member |
School Staff |
Elizabeth |
Stansfield |
9/12/2021 |
08/12/2025 |
Parent Governor |
Parents |
Kyla |
De Lehenstein Collins |
13/5/2021 |
12/5/2025 |
LA Governor |
Nominated by LA appointed by GB |
Kate |
Shaw |
3/10/2019 |
28/10/2027 |
Co-opeted Governor |
Governing body |
Judy |
Andrews |
25/1/2024 |
24/1/2028 |
Clerk |
N/A |
Zoe |
Watt |
N/A |
N/A |
As part of the LA clerking service, Zoe clerks for other governing bodies. |
Ex-officio foundation Governor |
Appointed by virtue of office |
Paul |
Harford |
1/12/2020 |
1/12/2024 |
Foundation Governor |
Sue |
Sanderson |
Oct 22 |
Oct 25 |
Head teacher at Berwick in Elmet |
Ex-Officio Foundation governor |
Appointed by virtue of office |
Peter |
Kilford |
8/12/2020 |
1/2/2022 |
Staff |
School Staff |
Sam |
Thompson |
1/10/2019 |
25/11/2022 |
Associate Governor |
Governing body |
Chloe |
Rhodes |
25/11/2021 |
21/11/2025 |
Co-opted Governor |
Governing body |
Katie |
Barnett |
3/10/2019 |
2/10/2023 |